Mobile: 352-615-4211
Mobile: 352-615-4211

Here at J&M Lawn Care We provide  Not only reliable, but high-quality lawn service which we think is important for maintaining the value, safety, and enjoyment of your home and land.


The owners and staff of  J& M Lawn Care understand this and strive to exceed each customer's expectations. Whether residential or commercial, no job is too big or too small; we strive to please every customer with our exceptional service and quality.

Our knowledgeable, professional, and hard-working staff are dedicated to making sure you have the best lawn in your neighborhood at an affordable price!

By maintaining the highest standards of quality, using top-of-the-line equipment, employing highly-qualified staff, you are guaranteed a fabulous lawn and a great value in lawn care.

This Months Special

You wont want to miss this one.

Take advantage of our new special this month,

5% 10$ and 10% Off for NEW Customers.Best of all we Now have Neighborhood Deals!! CHECK IT OUT!!!!


it's that time of year​

In the Fall there is nothing more beautiful than the changing colors of the fall leaves from green to red and gold, However, once the leaves fall to the ground they can become an eyesore and eventually a rotting mess if they are not taken care of! Click Here to read more about some Important factor's when haven your leaves Cleaned Up and Removed.

Request a FREE ESTIMATE  for fall cleanup and leaf removal today. 

Take a Glimps Into our state of the Art Dr Leaf Vac Pro-XL Model Right now we are the only ones in Marion and Alachua County to have this machine, So check it out and see for yourself, It does speak for yourself and for us as well.


Call today to reserve your spot.
352-566-7892- Office or  352-615-4211-cell


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